April 24, 2009
Off for 2 Days...

Call for Help: Debt Consolidators!
Oh my! Another Credit Company was calling me the other day. She asked me if I want to have another one. Geee…it seems that I need to call 877-550-0595 for debt help if I’ll take it! Well, credit cards as I have said are so helpful if spent so wisely but if it is spent the other way around then I guess you will need a debt consolidator at the end. It is much better for you to know how to handle your spending limits or shall I say one must have a debt management in one’s life.
As to my case, I do have credit card debt but I see to it that I will not over spend my limit or else I might suffer the consequences at the end of it. I just have learn that if someone spent 50% from their credit limit means that they have no cash on hand. Really true! Credit cards for me are designed to help us in times of emergency cases but to most they used it on the luxury things they want. I know it is so tempting to swipe and swipe, just be sure you can be able to pay it all!
As to my case, I do have credit card debt but I see to it that I will not over spend my limit or else I might suffer the consequences at the end of it. I just have learn that if someone spent 50% from their credit limit means that they have no cash on hand. Really true! Credit cards for me are designed to help us in times of emergency cases but to most they used it on the luxury things they want. I know it is so tempting to swipe and swipe, just be sure you can be able to pay it all!
April 23, 2009
I Made It!
It's been a while ago that I have not cooked for food even the very simple viand and rice. Maybe it's about a year already that I was not able to go and prepare some food for dinner, lunch nor breakfast.Uh-oh! Now, that our house help went home already for some reasons...I was forced to cook for our dinner or else we will all starved. lol! Actually, I was so happy of the outcome that they all liked my "adobong manok" especially my hubby. Wow I am so thankful that I was able to do it with LOVE. hmmmm....so delicious and yummy!
Web Hosting Geeks
Guess what? I won a free 1 yr domain from a friend’s birthday bash contest. I was thinking that I will be using it to renew my loveshaven.com domain that will expire on November of this year. The other way around, I want to use it for my other blog who’s still under a sub domain. But I guess it is much needed for my renewal because I am planning to have it web hosted since I am still using the free one.
Speaking of, there are lots of web site hosting that offers you the best services. Just feel free to visit http://webhostinggeeks.com and surely you will be confused on what to choose and use. Well it varies from your choices; maybe you like the business, editor’s choice, the cheap reliable, the unlimited or even the largest web hosting. Actually they are all the best!
Whoa! I am so excited to have a space and traffic that is unlimited the soonest. I can have a cheap professional web hosting services under $10 a month. What’s their catch? Their web hosting plans include at least one free domain name registration and a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are planning to have one please don’t hesitate to visit their site.
Speaking of, there are lots of web site hosting that offers you the best services. Just feel free to visit http://webhostinggeeks.com and surely you will be confused on what to choose and use. Well it varies from your choices; maybe you like the business, editor’s choice, the cheap reliable, the unlimited or even the largest web hosting. Actually they are all the best!
Whoa! I am so excited to have a space and traffic that is unlimited the soonest. I can have a cheap professional web hosting services under $10 a month. What’s their catch? Their web hosting plans include at least one free domain name registration and a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are planning to have one please don’t hesitate to visit their site.
The Silent Disease

In the vast majority of cases, there are no clear symptoms of high blood pressure. This is why high blood pressure is called a "silent" disease -- and why some people wrongly believe it doesn't require treatment.
If symptoms of high blood pressure do occur, they may include:
- Headaches, chest pain or tightness, shortness of breath, nosebleeds, and numbness and tingling, fatigue; you may have severe hypertension.
- Excessive perspiration, muscle cramps, weakness, palpitations, and frequent urination; you may have secondary hypertension, possibly caused by a tumor or an adrenal gland disorder.
Call Your Doctor About High Blood Pressure If:
- Your diastolic pressure -- the second, or bottom, number in a blood pressure reading -- suddenly shoots above 130. You may have malignant hypertension, a life-threatening condition.
- You are experiencing severe headaches, nausea, blurred vision, and confusion or memory loss; you may have malignant hypertension, which can result in stroke or heart attack if left untreated.
This is a life threatening disease, so don't just ignore this! Thanks God that nothing did really happened to her except that until now her blood pressure is fluctuating. We hope and pray that Ate Inday will be okay the soonest.
Of Buying Properties...
For the first time, my cousin from Australia and her family had a vacation here for a month here in Philippines. As we were touring them in one of the beautiful tourist spot island, his husband was so amazed of the place that he wanted to buy a piece of land. He was so interested in investing his retirement plan in a coastal area that he’d long to. Well, that’s one of his long list plans, but I guess it would be better if I will introduce to him about the sale of Wilmington NC Real Estate. For sure he will love it since aside from the breathtaking place in a coastal area, they will be able to save enough money and time if they will purchase it in here.
Car Washing

April 22, 2009
Get paid to be a Hacker?
Yes, you read it right! Or…. are you thinking the other way around? Indeed this term is marked by contrasting positive and negative connotations. Sometimes computer programmers often use the word hacker to express admiration for the work of a skilled software developer but to some they use them in a negative sense as the synonym for security cracking. But in contrast, hacker is typically used to describe someone who “hacks into” a system by evading or disabling security measures.
Hackers are everywhere- in the net and even in the news. Hackers are really here, and unless you learn the weapons they use to infiltrate your information from the basic, popular social network sites to secure billion dollar financial industries that you cannot defend against their malicious attacks. They are paying such Ethical Hackers just to help companies tighten their IT Security. Actually, they are the kind of hackers that are employed with the organization who can be trusted to undertake an attempt to penetrate networks and/or computer systems using the same methods as a Hacker.
If you are interested to be one of those Certified Ethical Hacker and be paid, just visit EC-Council that offers course run from 9am to 4pm MDT and promise you to give you a great First Look!
By the way they are also offering these categories below:
Hackers are everywhere- in the net and even in the news. Hackers are really here, and unless you learn the weapons they use to infiltrate your information from the basic, popular social network sites to secure billion dollar financial industries that you cannot defend against their malicious attacks. They are paying such Ethical Hackers just to help companies tighten their IT Security. Actually, they are the kind of hackers that are employed with the organization who can be trusted to undertake an attempt to penetrate networks and/or computer systems using the same methods as a Hacker.
If you are interested to be one of those Certified Ethical Hacker and be paid, just visit EC-Council that offers course run from 9am to 4pm MDT and promise you to give you a great First Look!
By the way they are also offering these categories below:
- Security Fundamentals
- Ethical Hacking
- Penetration Testing
- Computer Forensics
- Disaster Recovery
- Secure Programming

April 21, 2009
Aging a Problem No More!

April 19, 2009
Looking for Someone?
We know that it is already a trend among Filipinas to marry foreigners of their choice. Most of them get to know with each other through the power of new technologies and that is the Internet. I do have friends also who successfully engaged into a deeper commitment with a stranger who they met over an online dating site and ended up into happy marriages.
Well, if you’re single and looking for someone why not visits miami personals and who knows you might find the one you are looking for. Feel free to sign up and meet real Miami singles.
Well, if you’re single and looking for someone why not visits miami personals and who knows you might find the one you are looking for. Feel free to sign up and meet real Miami singles.
The Purse Tag
Actually I got this tag from my office mate Elaine a month ago. So sorry mem, I know this is a long and overdue tag. But anyway, another friend of mine sis Genebei tagged me again just this week. I am a bit hesitant to show what's inside my bag but well , I don't have any choice but to let you see. Hahahah!
Here's the rule of the tag:
1. Post a picture of whatever bag you are carrying as of late. No, you can't go into your closet and pull out your favorite purse! We want to know what you carried today or the last time you left the house.
2. List how much it cost. And this is not to judge. This is for entertainment purposes only. So spill it. And if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, we'd love to hear it.
3. Tag some chicks. And link back to this post so people know why the heck you're showing everyone your bag.
2. List how much it cost. And this is not to judge. This is for entertainment purposes only. So spill it. And if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, we'd love to hear it.
3. Tag some chicks. And link back to this post so people know why the heck you're showing everyone your bag.
Okay, here's my bag that I usually use during weekdays....I got this one two weeks ago, this was bought by my hubby at SM during their mallwide sale. The original prize is P800.00 but we got it at 50% off. It is just local brand- Secosana.
What's inside my oversized bag?
1. My netbook- I bought it for $430 (Asus EeePC) I always bring this one wherever I go so that my blogging career would always continue (lol)
2. My two cellphones- this was given by my sis and bro (thanks to them)
3. My shades- I don't know how much but my sis bought it from Dubai
(I can't leave our house without it esp. it's too hot outside)
4. My Samsung Camera- bought it the other year for 11K
(of course a blogger would be incomplete without it!)
5. My wallet and coin purse (sshhh...it cost nothing hhahahha!)- secret!
6. My mini Notebook- I called it as my book of life....(my family planning notebook that was given by Bogie 3 years ago as a bday gift) plus my BMEG flashlight pen
7. My Kikay stuffs- got it all from some friends and relatives from lipstick to body spray
(estee lauder eye shadow, Loreal sheener, Clinique lipstick,Victorias Secret Spray, Avon's lipliner and eyeliner, Burburry-oil perfume, Vitress Hair Coat, Hand Sanitizer, loose powder, and my comb of course)
Imagine how heavy my bag is! Sometimes I'll complain to hubby that my back is now aching due to the heavy things that goes along with me.
Now, it's their turn to share on what's inside their purse: Shelo, Boogie, Koko, Meryl, Aiza and Ate Rubz.
April 18, 2009
We are all so excited for my sister’s arrival this coming Monday morning. After two years of working straight in Dubai, finally she will be able to have her one month vacation. Thanks be to God, she has been granted by his boss for a leave.

But before she flew at this very moment, she called me up that she wanted me to eye for a new room air conditioning. Although we had the old one, we still went to SM just to window shop for the one she requested me.When I got home, I search the net about it and I saw this portable air conditioning unit in a no.1 UK website that is so nice and affordable one.
The Five Preferred Wedding Songs Meme
Ate Ruby of Life and Scraps tagged me of this interesting meme that is why I posted it right away and besides it is so simple! I agree that mentioning just five songs is so hard to do, I do have a long list of my favorite wedding songs. So I sorted them out and I guess these are the best...
Actually all of the above mentioned was sang during my wedding ceremony and reception as well. By the way, I do have a compilation of this songs since it was one of my wedding give-aways..
Meme Rules:
1. Choose any song that fits the event. Any artist and genre will do.
2. Post your answers and tag five people in your list!
3. Don’t forget to mention and link the person who invited you to play.
Now I am passing this to Bogie, Meryl and Genebei.
My Five Preferred Wedding Songs:
1. Forevermore
2. Ikaw
3. Cherish the Treasure
4. I Can't Live A Day Without You
5. I will be Here
2. Ikaw
3. Cherish the Treasure
4. I Can't Live A Day Without You
5. I will be Here
Actually all of the above mentioned was sang during my wedding ceremony and reception as well. By the way, I do have a compilation of this songs since it was one of my wedding give-aways..
Meme Rules:
1. Choose any song that fits the event. Any artist and genre will do.
2. Post your answers and tag five people in your list!
3. Don’t forget to mention and link the person who invited you to play.
Now I am passing this to Bogie, Meryl and Genebei.
Way to Eliminate Debt
Have you noticed our global economy nowadays? Everywhere we go, we always hear that bad news about the financial crisis that we are facing now. What about those employees from multinational companies who were affected by recessions? Lucky enough I am not one of them, but still we pitied for them especially those OFWs who were jobless across the miles. I can’t believe that even those big company investors withdraw their investments in the stock market or else they
will loss in return.
The problem in here is how to make money from stocks even though buying and trading stocks seems to be very confusing. It is very important that as young as we are we have to invest even for a penny stocks. The more shares we own, the greater stake we will have. Just like a friend of mine, he is already a stock broker and he’s receiving broker fees of his own.
Selling a share in their company profit is one way of raising more money. Of course, an investor will donate their money as start-up investment capital for the company to use in marketing and development of their company. But when the company begins to make money, they share a certain percentage of their assets with the shareholders. This is one way also of eliminating debts.

The problem in here is how to make money from stocks even though buying and trading stocks seems to be very confusing. It is very important that as young as we are we have to invest even for a penny stocks. The more shares we own, the greater stake we will have. Just like a friend of mine, he is already a stock broker and he’s receiving broker fees of his own.
Selling a share in their company profit is one way of raising more money. Of course, an investor will donate their money as start-up investment capital for the company to use in marketing and development of their company. But when the company begins to make money, they share a certain percentage of their assets with the shareholders. This is one way also of eliminating debts.
My White Water Rafting Adventure
As promised, I am now posting some of our pix during our 1st rafting adventures with my church friends and at the same time blogger friends namely: Bogie, Lalaine, and Aiza. This is a very late post but anyway better late than never!
We had so much fun last April 6, 2009. Me and hubby were planning to go for the advance level hopefully this year!
We had so much fun last April 6, 2009. Me and hubby were planning to go for the advance level hopefully this year!
April 17, 2009
Save Money Through Online Schools
I can hardly imagine how time flies this fast that we can now study through onlineschools. I remember my cousins few years back, they told us that they were not officially enrolled in a school but what they did was just a home study or an online school. At the back of my minds was “will they learn too the things the way we learn in school?”. Indeed they were!
Oh by the way, online degrees can be defined as college degrees or high school degrees, and that includes courses and diploma certificate programs which are done mainly or completely through online programs. Have you heard about those celebrities who have recently graduated? Actually, there campus is through using the internet connected program. Instead of the traditional campus the computer provides all related information and curriculum data to the student. See how the rapid improvement in technologies and the use of the World Wide Web, proliferation of online education has also begun.
It is so great that online colleges are there to help those who wanted to earn a degree as out of their busy schedules. They have different kinds of degrees which are easily available- that includes bachelor’s degree, master’s degrees and also doctoral degrees. What are you waiting for? Enroll now and by doing such, you are saving your money as well!
Oh by the way, online degrees can be defined as college degrees or high school degrees, and that includes courses and diploma certificate programs which are done mainly or completely through online programs. Have you heard about those celebrities who have recently graduated? Actually, there campus is through using the internet connected program. Instead of the traditional campus the computer provides all related information and curriculum data to the student. See how the rapid improvement in technologies and the use of the World Wide Web, proliferation of online education has also begun.
It is so great that online colleges are there to help those who wanted to earn a degree as out of their busy schedules. They have different kinds of degrees which are easily available- that includes bachelor’s degree, master’s degrees and also doctoral degrees. What are you waiting for? Enroll now and by doing such, you are saving your money as well!
My Camiguin Escapade!
I just want to share some of my captured moments when we were in the Island of your Imagination- Camiguin! Although it was just an over night stay but still we had so much fun together. How I love to visit the place again this year with my hubby nah!
P.S. just don't bother about my tummy, it's so yucky!!!! hehhehe
No Probs: Debt Elimination is Here!
Just this morning, I heard a ringing from afar. I thought it was my office mate’s phone but it was mine! I immediately picked it up and talked over. Guess who was calling? It was a Credit Investigator asking me if I would like to apply for another credit card. I told her that I did not pass any application for credit cards as far as I could remember. So I said, go on! She asked me about my personal information, but at the back of my mind. Oh my! Another problem to face in the future! Lol! But well, I told myself that “anyway I will not be using it anymore- I am just collecting it”. I know how to handle CC’s this time that is why I am so extra careful about using it.
But before applying to any companies I’ll make it sure that the said company who’s calling me was not a filing for bankruptcy. It would be better if they could offer me a credit card debt negotiation or credit card debt solutions. I know credit cards are so tempting, if you’ll be short on cash- why not charge it! Just be careful, if you will not make a full payment at the end of the month then your problem arises and for sure you’ll be paying extra interest charges. Don’t bother cause your debt can be eliminated now!
But before applying to any companies I’ll make it sure that the said company who’s calling me was not a filing for bankruptcy. It would be better if they could offer me a credit card debt negotiation or credit card debt solutions. I know credit cards are so tempting, if you’ll be short on cash- why not charge it! Just be careful, if you will not make a full payment at the end of the month then your problem arises and for sure you’ll be paying extra interest charges. Don’t bother cause your debt can be eliminated now!
Climate Change

Oh my it's raining! I'm wondering why the rain poured
so hard just this very moment
(for sure the farmers would really love it). I thought we are on a summer days. Huh? Just this afternoon, the sun was smiling so bright and oh so hot
then it suddenly rain oh so heavily. Why? Is this what we called climate change?
so hard just this very moment
(for sure the farmers would really love it). I thought we are on a summer days. Huh? Just this afternoon, the sun was smiling so bright and oh so hot
then it suddenly rain oh so heavily. Why? Is this what we called climate change?
Money Saving Tips
Who among you here is a debt free in life? I guess every one does! The higher the salary the more needs to attend while the lower the salary the less needs to attend. Well, this is according to my own opinion. According to some, every child born in every minute has its own debt charge for them. Just imagine how we live in a world full of debts.
One way of saving our money is through buying computers for cheap. I know buying a new one isn’t a quick and easy process. You have to consider factors whether you want a Mac or PC and so on and so forth. You really have to weigh things first- of course you will go according to your budget with quality as well. Another thing would be the money market accounts. This is a type of savings account that offers higher interest rates than a regular savings account, but lower interest rates than stock market investments. Money market accounts typically allow you to make a certain number of withdrawals per month and don’t charge a fee as long as you maintain a certain minimum balance. Lastly, these days consumers must be very careful when selecting a reputable credit repair counselor and learn the tools necessary to avoid a credit repair scams.
One way of saving our money is through buying computers for cheap. I know buying a new one isn’t a quick and easy process. You have to consider factors whether you want a Mac or PC and so on and so forth. You really have to weigh things first- of course you will go according to your budget with quality as well. Another thing would be the money market accounts. This is a type of savings account that offers higher interest rates than a regular savings account, but lower interest rates than stock market investments. Money market accounts typically allow you to make a certain number of withdrawals per month and don’t charge a fee as long as you maintain a certain minimum balance. Lastly, these days consumers must be very careful when selecting a reputable credit repair counselor and learn the tools necessary to avoid a credit repair scams.
What Money Can't Buy
We all know that money is a necessary part of living. Without it, we could not secure the necessities or luxuries of life. But there are things money can't buy.
- buy LUXURIES, but it will not buy SPIRITUAL POWER
- buy ADVANCEMENT and PREFERMENT, but it will not buy the RECOGNITION of GOD
- buy FAVOR, but it will not buy SOUL RESPECT!
We'll never accumulate enough riches to purchase a place in the paradise of God. But there's good news! Salvation can be ours " without money and without price" according to Isaiah 551.
Best IM 09
As I was blog hopping last night, I happened to reach the site of About.com. I have read about the announcement of the results of their 2009 Best IM Client Competition which generated thousands of nominations and votes. Guess what? Brosix Enterprise Messaging made it! It was a surprise victor in two categories and placed in the top three in three other categories. Just imagine how Brosix goes up against companies such as Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo?
By the way, Brosix is a powerful and easy-to-use Instant Messenger which allows clients to create their own business instant messaging networks and organize a complete user selection which can be managed through an online control panel. Cool huh? I guess, every one wants to have their information keep secured, and that Brosix does have information security too!
By the way, Brosix is a powerful and easy-to-use Instant Messenger which allows clients to create their own business instant messaging networks and organize a complete user selection which can be managed through an online control panel. Cool huh? I guess, every one wants to have their information keep secured, and that Brosix does have information security too!
April 15, 2009
Camiguin Here we Come!
About an hour from now, we will going to invade the beautiful island of Camiguin. Actually this is an unplanned trip, but my cousin's Australian husband insisted to go to this white island because he wants to go for a swim in a beautiful beaches. Wow! this is some kinda free summer vacation to us, even though this is my second time to step back on this island (my first step was way back four years ago) still I am so excited. I'm quite sad at the same time since my hubby cannot go with us because he had some appointments to deal with for the whole day. Oh my! maybe next time we can go there again as a complete family! But as of now, I make it a point that our one day and one night stint would be a memorable and enjoyable one....Camiguin, here we come!
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