July 29, 2009

WFW: Flexibility

Be blessed and
Happy Word-Filled Wednesday to all!


Genefaith said...

sis nice pics and I love the messgae so timely for me..here's mine:


Alex said...

This is a great Psalm! Everything is in God's hands & that is a great thing to remember! :) Blessings!

Bogie said...

very nice! Happy WFW!

Denise said...


Chelle said...

Oh, I really like that. Thanks for sharing!

Amy said...

What a beautiful reminder to follow HIS leading.

Chie Wilks said...

Wow..what a very beautiful verse..it is really nice reading words of God...matatahimik tau minsan at mapapaisip..love the photo as well

ozjane said...

And praise God He does and He is totally faithful.

Cathy said...

Love that picture and verse today ~

Michele said...

Beautiful Picture goes so well with the verse. One of my favorites.

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

lovely image and verse!
Collette x

Amydeanne said...

happy WFW!

Jean Stockdale said...

I am just now catching up on the Blog Hopping to see others posts. You have a great site and I love your picture.

I am hosting "5 Things Friday" on my blog at http://jeanstockdale.typepad.com and I hope you will stop by and play along. I write to encourage MOMS in the fine art of Christian mothering. Such an awesome privilege, such a tough job! Blessings.
