October 19, 2010

Recommended Diet

Now that I’m on my way to my second pregnancy, pretty sure I can’t go on a diet. Yesterday, I heard one of my office mates making some order to my other office mate. I asked her what was that all about. She told me that she want to try the supplements that the other office mate’s been using because she saw the big difference from her. Without hesitation she wanted also to try on how effective if she will be using it too. I told her, it would be nice if she would try the hcg too since many have testified that it really works on them. What’s nice about this hcg diet is that, it will only fails when you fail and cheat and stray from the plan. Isn’t it cool program to have?

As I read all their testimonials you can say that it’s so unbelievable but it’s really true. Their product can be offered through homeopathic hcg that can be taken orally or the injectable hcg. Among the two varieties, it has no report on the difference on the weight loss effects providing the diet is the same in both. Well, upon hearing all these things my office mate wanted to made her order now.

1 comment:

holly said...

Hello! I personally tried it myslef and the results are indeed amazing and life changing :) I am a mother of 2 and i never thought I can still be this slim after having 2 kids. It really takes a lot of sacrifices to undergo this program but it's all worth it :) I started at 130lbs last April 2010 and after 20 days I lost a total of 25 lbs. After a year my weight is 98lbs :) so happy with the results :)
