March 30, 2013

Congratulations to Danielle Normandia!

The month of March is intended for commencement exercises for students who successfully completed the academic requirements intended for them. Now, together with my husband and both sides of our family, friends and relatives would like to Congratulate our daughter Danielle of finishing her Learning to Read (LTR known as the K2) level with flying colors as the 1st Honorable Mention and the Best in Scripture Awardee. We are so proud of you darling and keep up the good works! We love you so much Ate Danielle!

awarding ceremony with the proud parents.... 

We bring back all the glory, praises and thanksgiving to Him alone!
 Daddy and I never regret of enrolling you to this Christian School of Tomorrow because you were never just taught academically but instead you were being feed spiritually as well. Now that you will be moving a one step higher in your education, another challenge to face for the upcoming school year but rest assured mommy, daddy and Josh plus with the help of God you will surely do it once again to the top! We love you Ate...

 Train up a child the way they should go and in the end they will not depart from it!

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