November 18, 2011

The Nature of Art

Would you agree with me that an object may be characterized by the intentions of its creator, regardless of its apparent purpose? Indeed, a cup can be used as a container but once used solely as an ornament then it may be considered already as an art. Actually all of us I guess do possess this kind of talent but it has to be developed or polished every now and then. Lucky for those persons who are richly blessed with this kind of talent, there are a few of them and that includes my brother-in-law. :)

The nature of art is one way of expressing or communicating one’s ideas from one person to another. It also expresses emotions of the creator’s mind thus the work of art really exists. Aside from that, it is a vehicle of exploring and appreciating elements for their own sake and a medium of self-expression and interpretation.

Speaking of arts, I happened to browse this site about an exciting theme of metal artwork called the western metal art. Actually I was really looking for a metal art designs to be used as an interior design for our soon to be built home early next year because hubby wanted to have a simple yet a relaxing abode. Good thing I happened to stumble upon these western themes because it really answers hubby’s needs- which is to provide a clean yet enhanced home.

Like what I said, not all of us are into arts- hubby does while myself is the other way around, what I mean is that he loves art that much while I the less. He is indeed a horse lover and that he wanted to have one like this below.

I insisted because I still have to look for other designs on their site or I have to suggest hubby to have a customized metal art work of his own. In doing so, his skills in art will be developed too.

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